Stephan Schleim is Associate Professor of Theoretical Psychology at the University of Groningen and author of different books on philosophy, psychology, and the neurosciences. He carried out several research projects on the theory and ethics of neuroscience. Focus of his research are the conditions under which scientific knowledge is created and communicated to the public.
Contact via email: academia at schleim dot info (university), otherwise stephan at schleim dot info
Continue reading for a brief résumé.
- since 2015: Associate Professor of Theoretical Psychology at the University of Groningen
- 2014-2017: Member of the Munich Center for Neuroscience
- 2013: Guest researcher at the Munich Center for Neuroscience
- 2012/2013: University Professor (W3) of Neurophilosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
- 2012: Guest researcher at the University Clinics Zurich (Prof. Dr. Boris Quednow)
- 2010-2015: Assistant Professor of Theoretical Psychology at the University of Groningen
- 2009-2010: Postdoc at the University of Groningen
- 2009: PhD in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück
- 2006-2009: Research Associate at the University Clinics Bonn
- 2005-2006: Research Associate at the University Clinics Frankfurt/Main
- 2005: Visitor at the California Institute of Technology (Shimojo Psychophysics Laboratory)
- 2004: Intern at the Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung (Neurophysiology, Wolf Singer)
- 2000-2005: Student of, among other subjects, philosophy, psychology, and informatics (M.A.) at the Universities of Mainz and Frankfurt/Main
You can find an overview of my academic publications on my web page at the University of Groningen. Visit my blog MENSCHEN-BILDER (mostly German, since 2007) at the SciLogs of Spektrum Verlag or read my articles on Telepolis (mostly German; since 2005). More about my career can also be found on Wikipedia (German).
I am furthermore guest author in several media (e.g. c’t magazin, FAZ, Gehirn&Geist, Psychologie Heute, Spektrum der Wissenschaft) with translations into different languages and often present as an expert in online and print media, radio and on tv (e.g. 3sat, Deutschlandfunk, Nature News, de Volkskrant, ZEIT Online). Besides peer reviews for dozens of scientific journals and publishers I also advised the national scientific organizations of Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and Israel as well as the European Research Council and the Volkswagenfoundation.